Certification Class Offered


The Heart of GA Beekeepers club based out of Perry GA will be offering the Certified Beekeeper course beginning on Jan 9 at 6:30 PM. The class is open to anyone. If one wants to be certified, she/he must have had bees for one year.   Email: heartofgabeekeepers@gmail.com to let them know that you will be attending. You will pay the registration fee at the first session.
Sessions will last about an hour and will continue on these dates: 1/9,1/16,1/30, 2/6,2/13,2/27, 2018. The cost of the class is $20 and the cost of the test itself will be an additional charge TBD later.  Location, Houston County Extension Office work room on second floor, 801 Main Street, Perry, GA.
Access this UGA link for more info concerning this first level of the Georgia Master Beekeeper Program.

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